Mikki created a dynamic program that shares the secrets she cultivated while building her beauty empire! This unique and exclusive program is perfect for the results-driven beauty professional who is ready to dare to dream and put in the effort to execute. This is the program you have been searching for!

Through “6 Steps to 6 Figures MasterClass for Beauty Entrepreneurs”, you will be propelled to achieve your goals with success strategies that will help you hone your skillsets and increase your leadership effectiveness. Mikki will work exclusively with you to help you become more impactful and enhance your execution. With Mikki’s guidance, you will become more than the professional that you want to be, but the leader that you need to be!

You will learn how to be the architect of your success, and move past the barriers of your existence to create the life that you want and move from goal setter to goal achiever.

Realize your full potential by investing in your greatest resource… You!

“Mikki’s course is structured to get immediate results as you apply each step to your business. Within the first 2 weeks, I doubled my weekly sales. Mikki not only gave me the steps to make 6 figures but she helped me get the right mindset to take my business to the next level! I highly recommend this class to any beauty entrepreneur ready for 6 figure success.” 

  • Tamara Mitchell, Owner of Nail’d By Tammy

An entrepreneurial powerhouse, Mikki Bey has been on a mission to propel women into their greatness personally and professionally. For 15 years, Mikki built a successful business and brand in the beauty industry. Wanting to share her success with others, Mikki now shares the secrets to her success with women who are seeking to turn their dreams into deeds and their passion into profits.

As a life coach, she assists her exclusive clientele in creating successful strategies that they can use in their careers, their business, and their personal lives. Her “6 Steps to 6 Figures” program has helped beauty industry entrepreneurs across the country generate six figures in under one year.

Mikki Bey considers herself the “Queen of Reinvention.” She has been a News Producer for CBS, a Celebrity Makeup artist, an entrepreneur, a pharmaceutical salesperson and now she is a marketer. Although her background is very diverse the bulk of her experience is in the beauty industry. As a licensed aesthetician, Mikki showcased her business prowess and success of her former Los Angeles-based salon, Mikki Bey Eyelash Extensions, on season 7 of “Shark Tank” on ABC. Mikki is a proud native of Detroit, where she earned a degree in Journalism from Wayne State University. She has also earned her MBA from Pepperdine University.

Mikki is a bonus mom to 18-year-old twins Mia and Hailey and mom to her 21-month-old son, Eason.

An entrepreneurial powerhouse, Mikki Bey has been on a mission to propel women into their greatness personally and professionally. For 15 years, Mikki built a successful business and brand in the beauty industry. Wanting to share her success with others, Mikki now shares the secrets to her success with women who are seeking to turn their dreams into deeds and their passion into profits.

As a life coach, she assists her exclusive clientele in creating successful strategies that they can use in their careers, their business, and their personal lives. Her “6 Steps to 6 Figures” program has helped beauty industry entrepreneurs across the country generate six figures in under one year.

Mikki Bey considers herself the “Queen of Reinvention.” She has been a News Producer for CBS, a Celebrity Makeup artist, an entrepreneur, a pharmaceutical salesperson and now she is a marketer. Although her background is very diverse the bulk of her experience is in the beauty industry. As a licensed aesthetician, Mikki showcased her business prowess and success of her former Los Angeles-based salon, Mikki Bey Eyelash Extensions, on season 7 of “Shark Tank” on ABC. Mikki is a proud native of Detroit, where she earned a degree in Journalism from Wayne State University. She has also earned her MBA from Pepperdine University.

Mikki Bey provides a professional and leadership development experience like no other. 

Mikki is a mom of three who resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband.

Realize your full potential by investing in your greatest resource… You!

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